I'm loving studded clothes and the moment, I think they look really cool and they give the piece of clothing a real edge. Sadly I don't have any clothes like this due to me being totally poor (I hate car insurance!) but I do intend to buy some when I get some cash.
A great place to get some studded stuff is The Ragged Priest, they do some really nice pieces. Some of my favourite pieces they do is their studded leather jackets and the studded rucksacks which are really in at the moment. I know Burberry did a great collection of some studded jackets which looked absolutely amazing but quite obviously are out of my price range!
Since the majority of my posts so far have been about certain trends and styles I like I thought I would show people a model I love the style of. She may be better known as John Taylor's (Duran Duran) daughter, Atlanta De Cadenet. I think her style is really cool and shes one of those girls who seems to throw anything on and it looks good!
Her look is a little bit edgy and not to everyone's taste but that's the type of style I love. She has modeled for The Cobra Snake, which is a cool little US vintage shop, and she seems to wear a lot of vintage. Probably quite a lot from there ;).
Anyway here are some cool photos and looks of hers that I think represent her style...
American flag print has been around for a while now, but its still on trend for the summer. I personally love it and I'm hunting around for some American flag printed socks to wear with some boots! I think it would look pretty good. In the majority of these photos the girls are wearing the flag printed vest or top however I think if you can pull of a flag printed headband or as I said socks that would look awesome.
I think pretty much everywhere on the high street has some sort of American flag print clothes in, I know Topshop do some amazing shorts which aren't too expensive. I've already got a flag printed headband and vest so all I need now is some socks! (Not to wear all together obviously!!)
I love some of the outfits you can put together for music festivals. They can be a little out there, cool and grungy, which is my kind of style. Although we are half way through the festival season, I thought it would be good to share some awesome festival looks I found (Better late than never). Sadly I didn't get to go to my festival of choice this year which was Glastonbury festival. The demand was sooooo high for tickets I didn't manage to get any after trying three times over the year! So so gutted, especially since it isn't on next year! :(
So if you want to dress for a festival, I always think a headband or a high top messy bun looks good, teamed with some round circled sunglasses or some Ray Ban clubmasters. I think some sort of headband or hat (bowler hat I would suggest)is a must at a music festival. A vintage band t-shirt or a cool loose dress with a belt round the middle would look awesome. Here are some looks that I thought were really inspiring and just generally are great -
I've noticed that backpacks are coming in style. Places like Topshop(I've seen a cute aztec/tribal print one in there) or eBay do some really nice ones. Especially eBay, as they have the vintage ones which in my opinion look so much better than a new one.
Tie dye hair is when people have some sort of dip dye in their hair, which is usually brown roots with blonde ends. However recently its seems to be other colours as well, such as pink and blue for example. This style of hair has been around for a while now, but its still very much in fashion.
I absolutely adore this kind of hair dye and I really really want to dye my roots a light brown so I get the dip dye effect, from brown to blonde! Hopefully I will do it once I get some money :)
So I've decided to mostly post about fashion and music. I will write about fashion trends and style, what I'm wearing, and generally stuff like that. Music, I'm basically just going to post stuff that I like listening to or new artists that I like, and this post is about the band Bon Iver.
Bon Iver is fronted by Justin Vernon and they are one of my favourite bands ever. I remember I started to listen to them the winter of my first year of uni and you know when you listen to an album and it reminds you of a season or a time because you repeated it over and over? Well yeah... Bon Iver - For Emma and his previous EP - Blood Bank were on repeat when it was snowy in the winter of 2009. Surprisingly I've never got bored of the music.
Then last month they came out with a self titled album after a 2 year wait!! And at first I couldn't really get into it because it was a little bit different from the other albums but now after listening it to it loads on the beach on holiday in Portugal, I loveeee it. Oh and I'm going to see them live in November!!!! This is my favourite song off the new album, its called Holocene...
P.S Is it only me who finds Justin Vernon unbelievably attractive??
So I thought it was about time to get a blog. Mainly because of my Media Studies degree, hopefully this will give me some, yet a small amount of relevant experience in blogging and social media whoring sooo hopefully it will become quite a good thing to do.
I am going to be putting a little bit of everything in this blog. Mainly fashion, music, celebs and a little insight into my university life and work when I start back in October going into my final year (eek!). To be honest I'm not sure if I will completely stick to posting just that, I can see myself just posting about fashion and music mainly. I'm looking forward to see if I'm good at this or not!